
Thursday, 6 September 2012

New Mums back to shape guide.

Getting back to shape after birth is every woman's nightmare. But it does not have to be so. It takes a woman a whole 9 good months to stay pregnant and give birth. What then makes you think the birth body will disappear in a click of finger.
My job here is to help you stay realistic and gradually get your body back. Don't be deceived by the celebrity quick fix after birth pictures you are always bombarded with. For me it is all about staying healthy, eating well and exercising gently until your ligaments and muscle tones are firm again.
The first step to getting back to shape is to stay off the pressure to being as before. This is because, once the pressure sets in, chances are that you might end up with stress and over eating and depression which in turn will only make matters worse. That said, we will now take to the most important guide to help you stay as firm and toned as possible after the bump.

1.Healthy eating:

The first and most important thing is that your healthy thin or fat. It is important that you do not starve yourself for the sake of shape. Proper meal times should be adhered to. At least breakfast, lunch, dinner must be observed. For a breast feeding mother or those that had Cesarean section, more top ups may be considered.
In eating healthy, you have to go for more green vegetable, these will help with digestion and absorption. Also are essential for building your blood cells and level. The fibres help in elimination processes as well. They keep your heart healthy too, and cancer is shunned.
The blue/ black hue fruits are also very essential for building the immunity levels. With them you are armed for the battle of ownership especially for those that had Cesarean section. Also the will help with strengthening your bones and ligaments, also keeping your skin fresh and smooth.
The yellows are also superb for strengthening the heart muscles, lowering hypertension and is hard on cancer cells as well.
The red fruits and vegetables are very important sources of  vitamins and minerals that keep cholesterol levels down.
Yes traditionally, Black peoples food are usually more of starchy foods, it is important to still take your normal foods, but adding or increasing your consumption of vegetables and fruits will not only help with your muscle tone, but will help to get you a better shape and greater health.


Exercises are very crucial but doing it right is the most crucial at this point. See below for the don't with the exercises.
Before 6months of off loading, you should never subject your body to the following,
a. Jumping
b. Running or jogging
c. Sit ups
e. Stretching.
f. Boxing or strenuous exercises.
Before you can do these, you must get the clearance from your health care provider. (Nurse, Midwife or Doctor).
At this time, the main focus should be to stay active, take and enjoyable walk or strolls, take your child in the pram and get a good air outside. A good rest and sleep,plus pelvic floor exercises are important .
The signal your body gives you should be more accurate than any other. So watch and listen to your body. Simple exercises are the most you can do for now to keep the blood flow going. Every woman's major concern is the tummy sagging, but the bad news is there is no fast rule to it. Easy does it. ( Watch out for our postnatal exercise guide next)

Postnatal exercises before 6 months:
3.Pelvic floor exercises
4. Bottoms up
5. Abdominal guarding
6.Tummy tucks.

Take enough fluid:

Fluid in take is very important to stay healthy and plump and it is a MUST at this time especially for the breast feeding mother. Drink, drink and drink any fluids, water, juice etc (not alcohol).

Wear for comfort.

Looking good is good. But now your comfort is more important. Firm sports bra during activities will help reduce, stretch marks and discomfort. Use of breast pads helps to check the leaks. Tights, help to prevent and minimise varicose veins, and  gives a good support to the muscles. The also will help you create the illusion of a toned body and so you appear shapely.
Do it safe.

Check back for the postnatal exercises that work for you next....

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