A pearl black and bright look (pbb) is about pulling it off and putting it down just like my pearl sister(Kelly Rowland) would say it. It's about the confidence, the comfort and the fitting.The purpose to bring beauty, class and power exuding the pearl in the blackness. Check this out:
Keep it on point: Oh yeah sis, over dressing is not it. Too much of everything is nothing. A little bit of this and that well blended. Be in control and don't let the whole thing take away the aura the beauty. Don't get swallowed. CHECK!
Be Black, be proud: Be proud of who you are. Flunt your ID. Thats who you are. Those kinky hairs, those afro looks. Be creative with your heritage looks; there's much you can do with your hair.No!, no foreign hairs! Keep it real gal....
Bright up and shine with those colours: Bright colours have always been symbolic with African design. Be ethnical this season. Use colour to bring live and vigour around you.They compliment your skin colour and energizes you. How about a little tinting of your afro?
Be posh and classy: Show what you got gurl. Bra straps, your manicure, your hair, your perfume , CHECK!.
Be sure that the bra colour, size and fitting are perfect, the nails well groomed, facial hairs sorted, the make up well toned with your skin colour,Your deodorant are not miss behaving ,under arm no traces of sweat. perfume not over powering you. Everything under control. Right girl, do your thing.
Accessorize: Keep it down girl.They are just to asentuate your beauty, your worth. Too much of jewelries make you appear cheap and over zealous.Over accessorizing swallows the whole style leaving you looking like a drag. COME ON GIRL! KEEP IT LESS, KEEP IT REAL SIS!.
Be on your game: Do ya thing. Get those heads turning,move with power, be sure to lift and drop those legs precisely. Move with confidence and self importance. Remember if you appear confident then you are.
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http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/agree-terms.php?phid=19630&photogname=Maggie Smith&photogid=172&refurl=http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/Clothing_apparel_and_g60-Pearls_p19599.html