
Monday 7 May 2012

4 great tips to keeping those smiles alive.



 Treat your teeth to a sparkle:

Great teeth great smile. When you have a clean white sparkly teeth, smile becomes a routine. Of course who wouldn't show what she's got. Well groom teeth is a breath of fresh air, it gives confidence and attracts positive attention. It is worthwhile then to spend a few quid on teeth care.

Too keep a great healthy teeth, see your dentist often, eat healthy, brush/wash your teeth at least 2 times a day especially before bed. Stay away from smoking. Floss your teeth as often as possible.

Laugh at yourself:

Find reasons to laugh at yourself and better reason to laugh with others. Yeah! Convert every disappointment to great joy. Laugh it off girl. They can't possibly be ignoring you. How can?  This is the only time I believe you should stay selfish. If those around you decide to be a mess to themselves, don't give in to such mood. Laugh out loud, Look in the mirror laugh at those insecurities of yours and overcome them.
Keep a good memory of positive events and engage in activities that boost your energy. Stay away from energy sappers period!

Give and return smile gestures:

It leaves a great feeling when smiles are exchanged. It doesn't matter who it is that smiled at you, just respond with a smile too. Relax and for once leave suspicion alone. Smile back first before thinking of their intentions.

Focus on the benefit:

Now listen, there are going to be a few who are always always not in the mood.  But you know what? You are not going to let them sabotage your happiness. You know why you chose to stay positive. It is for your own goodness sake. So forget what any other is thinking. After all, its your face.

Picture credit to digitalart

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